Sunday, February 12, 2012


Took this photo at Legazpi, ALbay in one of our famiLy trips. (:
FiLm: 120 ISO:400


HoLga 120GCFN is a medium format camera...
Medium format means 120 or 220 size roLL of fiLm. 6X6 is the most popular roLL fiLm format (and this is what I use for my HoLga most of the time). Why is this? Part of the reason is that this square contains both a vertical and a horizontaL composition on the same frame. A 6X6 image is composed of a verticaL 6X4.5 and a horizontal 6X4.5. No need to rotate the camera. No need to rotate the fiLm back. Just take one shot and get both compositions. One gets 12 frames to a roLL of 120.
